Gorgeous Sexy Smart

Everyone Should Have A Little “Holly GoLightly” In Them

In the movie Breakfast At Tiffany’s, Holly Golightly is a free spirit who sees the world from a different perspective than most because she is able to find the joy and whimsical delight in even the most mundane everyday things:

{1}She isn’t rich but that doesn’t stop her from having incredibly gorgeous style, elegance and taste!

{2}She has fun even in the five and dime store!

{3}She strums her guitar and pours her heart out about moon river while making you daydream at the same time.

{4}She doesn’t like “rats” or “super rats”.

{5}She is open about occasionally getting the “mean reds” which is worse than the “blues”.

{6}She is a phony but a “real phony” because she honestly believes what she believes.

{7}She loves with her whole heart without restraint.

{8}Best of all-she wants her lipstick on when dealing with life’s situations-I  definitely can relate!


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