Cutting expenses where you can, equals out to more money left to do the things you really want to do like taking that dream vacation or starting your own business. When you focus in on it and really put your mind to it, you can usually find ways to cut down on expenses. There are many ways to cut costs from your bottom line:
{1}One way that I have found is helpful is by downsizing or condensing bills; for example-I was paying car insurance on a 24 year old luxury brand vehicle. I didn’t have any car payments for more than 7 yrs. because I had bought the car outright from a private owner for a reasonable amount. It was stylish looking and overall had been pretty reliable for me. I payed the insurance and for any repairs and upkeep the car needed. I knew people that were luxury car mechanics and that worked on it for less. The last six months of driving the car I began to notice that it was in need of repairs more frequently-on average at least once a month. Keep in mind I had been doing more driving as of recently due to my mom’s illness. With that said, I debated-Should I get rid of the car and buy a newer one? If I did that then I would have to take on a car payment but I most likely wouldn’t have to shell out money every month for a repair as I would be shopping for a vehicle that was newer than the one I had and with lower mileage. Ultimately I decided to get rid of my old car and I bought a nice buick from a private owner. The buick was in great shape and had low mileage which was exactly what I needed. We were also able to negotiate a fair price for the car. I have a very low car payment -no monthly costs for auto repairs and I was able to condense insurance on the newer car with my boyfriend thus eliminating a bill.
{2}Call all of the companies you pay out to every month to get better deals on your services, whether it be internet, phone, cable-whatever. The worse case scenario is that someone tells you they can’t change anything-so you’re where you started, but nothing ventured nothing gained. You could end up pleasantly surprised. In many instances by actually communicating with a human being, rather than an automated system -you have a fair chance at getting someplace.
{3}Couponing is becoming a very popular practice.Using coupons is a great way to cut dollars off of the grocery bill, social outings or on anything you can use a coupon for.
{4}Trying to cut down on gas expenses? Consider joining or starting a carpool to get back and forth to work. Try asking around the company; you probably will find there are more people that work for your company and live somewhere in your vicinity than you thought.